Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do we need Gandhi's spectacles to Lead India?

He needed a kick from the British to bring out the sleeping leader in him.
At the age of 24, he led the Satyagraha Movement in South Africa against Apartheid.
How many of us at 24 have voted even once?
For Gandhi it was one kick. For us it has been numerous. Sadly, we have not yet woken up from our slumber.
How many more kicks do we need?

Men & women, young & old, rich & poor, black & white attended his sabhas. They made his dreams their own. He dreamt of a country without corruption, without poverty, without illiteracy.
Have we dared to dream?
60 years have passed. Our country is still fighting corruption, poverty and illiteracy. Terrorism, communalism and crime are growing alarmingly. Gandhi took the initiative to change the system.
When will we take the initiative?

Yes, we need Gandhi’s spectacles. To clear our vision. To envision an India free of vices. A country that is looked at with admiration and respect and not as a land of snake charmers.

How many miles must a man walk down,
before we can call him a man.
How many times must a canon-ball fly,
before they are forever banned.
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind.


  1. Well Written, though I don't completely agree with Gandhi on some issues. It's ridiculous to think about "India being an economic superpower by 2020" while 30% of the population is below poverty line. Of course it's great to see all the progress we have made and are making, but what use is it when a good part of the population still doesn't enjoy basic needs?

  2. if we were to live by the Gandhian ideologies, then we better talk about non-violence in a world where violence speaks louder than anything. WHICH IS NOT HAPPENING.

  3. why do v look at Gandhi just in terms of non-violence?? there are so many of his other policies that we can and we should adopt in life.. being truthful is just one of them...n non-violence does not necessarily mean only not going to wars. we can and should be non-violent first by thinking good for everyone and trying to do good for others, at least a much as lies within our capacity.

  4. another thing is..we sud not only talk of his policies but his leadership qualities as well..i mean he swayed the whole nation by his talks.. had he not taken the initiative..we would still have been in the same place where we were hundred years ago. it is easy to say the system is corrupt..but what are v doin to make sud that corruption is minimised? nothing..the future of our country is in our hands now..we do have a lot of power..and its high time that we made use of it.

  5. gandhi was a simple man but with high ideals and a will to strive hard to realize his long-cherished goal of building an independent India. we too should try to go that extra mile to bring the changes that we want to see in the present society. we are the youngest country in the world and if we all are determined to revamp the system den i am sure, it can be achieved.
