Sunday, March 15, 2009

The underpriviledged Salims

“Mumbai is at the centre of the world, bhai! And I am at the centre of the centre.”

That’s what Salim of Slumdog Millionaire thought. Salim’s aspirations reflect that of the Indian youth— education, employment and esteem.
Salim was underprivileged. And so are millions of Indians who live in slums and have aspirations similar to Salim’s. India is home to many more underprivileged in form of Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi.For us, they exist only in terms of filth, stench and disease. But we choose to hoodwink their existence, leave alone their aspirations.
Perhaps that is why Salim went the gunway. Most of us are in a better position to face the world than Salim. And we can do our bit to help the unfortunates like Salim.
Wondering how?
While choosing whom to vote, lets spare a thought for the millions of Salims as well. Salims form a large chunk of our population. If their aspirations don’t get the wings to fly how can our country soar high?

Before casting our votes, we need to think, will this guy do his bit to help Salim achieve his aspirations without the latter having to venture into the murky world of crime? Will he get three square meals a day? Will he get adequate education even if he can’t afford to pay for it?

For India to be a super power, each and every individual should get the opportunity to realize his dreams. In the forthcoming elections, vote not just for yourselves, but for the Salims as well.

Here I leave you with Gandhi’s Talisman:
“Whenever you are in doubt... Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man/woman whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him/her. Will he/she gain anything by it? Will it restore him/her to a control over his/her own life and destiny?”

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a post that is there for a more constructive purpose, for it is perhaps the first post that tells us what we should keep in mind when we finally get round to choosing a candidate.. sorry if I sound rude, and I'm sure I do not doubt the nobility of heart that fuels the pen, but the thing that I was dreadfully missing was that merely telling people to vote wisely wasn't enough when people do not know what they need, and I tried to hint as much in my previous comments.. however, even now (excuse the impertinence) I do feel the page could do with a few more ideas along with the directives.. like a discussion forum where you guys give us some real food for thought.. but all that apart I think this one is very well written and really quite compelling :)
